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Modérateur en herbe

C'est vraiment gentil de nous aider à faire le tri et ça tombe bien, il y a du boulot !

Fervent lecteur — Niveau : dieu ninja

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Fervent lecteur — Niveau : maître ninja

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Fervent lecteur — Niveau : apprenti ninja

Vous avez voté sur 15 pour cent de l'ensemble des VDM à ce jour.

50 favoris

Quand on aime, on ne compte pas. Déjà 50 VDM dans vos favoris !

Je valide, ma souris fonctionne

200 votes je valide, c'est une VDM. C'est la base.

Maître du TLBM

C'était donc votre 500e vote - tu l'as bien mérité -. Nous nous prosternons.


Vous avez dépassé la barre des 100 votes - tu l'as bien mérité -.

Un de plus et c'est le tête à queue

Vous avez obtenu 68 Miaou sur votre profil. Joli !

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Audgepodge5000 - VDM en favoris

Hannahb17 nous en dit plus

Hannahb17 8

For those of you who are wondering, I'm 17 and I work at Forever 21. I asked the two girls if they needed any help and they said, "Umm.. We don't want YOUR help." I said, "Excuse me?" They said, "OMG WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? WE DON'T WANT YOUR HELP! CAN WE GET SOMEONE ELSE TO HELP US?" At that point a manager came over to see what the problem was and the girls said, "We don't want her help. She doesn't even have a thigh gap. Why does she even work here?" Not wanting to do anything stupid and lose my job, I walked away. The two girls had to have been only a year or two younger than me. Plot twist: THEY DIDN'T HAVE FREAKING THIGH GAPS! I can't explain to y'all how much that irked me. The whole thing was just stupid. I really like working at Forever 21, though, so I'm glad I didn't do anything to jeopardize that. Well, thank you all for the supportive comments! They were fun to read. (: I hope y'all have a great night/day!