

À propos de Underscoregayday

Hey you :) message me if you'd like to chat sometime. I'm not sure if messaging works for iphone, but I'll assume it does. My name is Tanner and I'm 21 years old; please don't creep me if you're much older than I am. I enjoy reading about other's misfortunes and sometimes get quite a laugh out of them. I'm always up for meeting new people :)

Underscoregayday - Suiveurs

Underscoregayday - Suivi

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C'est vraiment gentil de nous aider à faire le tri et ça tombe bien, il y a du boulot !

Miroir, mon beau miroir

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Mais quelle jolie bouille ! Vous êtes sexy comme un chaton.

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Un de plus et c'est le tête à queue

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Underscoregayday - VDM en favoris

SparkOfJade nous en dit plus

First thing first: I'm a girl. I have an engineering degree from one of the top universities in my field, and hold all the necessary certifications and then some. I do have a military background, but I am not in the military any longer, and I now have a full-time job at one of the top IT firms in the country. I'm a consultant, meaning I contract out to our company's clients. The "superior" in question was a higher up on the client side which is why he makes so much more than I do. He's been there at least 10 years. I'm on year 2 with my company. As anyone who's been a contractor will tell you, you can only explain to a client that they are being insane for so long until you do what they ask because they are paying the bills and "the customer is always right" *sigh* I obviously can not tell you which client it was. I'm really enjoying the witty responses, and even the not so witty ones (I did use the proper form of "there," you imbecile.)