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À propos de Gaylover20

twinks gifs - gay cumshot gifs - big cock gay gifs - gay handjob gifs My life to this point had been pretty much by the book. I worked hard, got good grades, and managed to land a nice job right out of college. I had recently become engaged to my girlfriend of four years, and we had just purchased our first home together. It was a fairly modest condo in a newer development, but it was certainly better than renting. It was at this point that my life was completely upended and turned on its ear. Being new to the development meant lots of visits from some of the residents who had moved in before us, oftentimes accompanied by some sort of baked good or alcoholic beverages to welcome us to the neighborhood. One of the neighbors I clicked with the most was a middle-aged man named Tim. We talked about sports for a good forty-five minutes, and he told me he had turned his basement living room into a mini home theater and that I should stop by sometime to watch a game with him. I told him that sounded great, since I hadn't even had a chance to get the cable hooked up yet, and had planned to try to watch from a bar, so we made plans to watch from his place later that week. When game day arrived I picked up the obligatory six pack of cheap beer and headed across the street to Tim's place. "Hey, glad to see you found the place alright!" he said with a chuckle. "Yeah, only got lost a few times on my way!" I responded. "Well, the theater room is downstairs, and there's fridge down here too so you can keep those cold." he said as he headed down the stairs. The layout of Tim's place was more or less the same as ours, with a few modifications downstairs to accommodate the theater setup.

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